Thursday, August 6, 2020

Google Classroom Instructions

For virtual learning, we will use Google Classroom.  Please follow the instructions below to get signed up for the class.  All information and assignments will be accessed and turned in via google classroom.

  1. Go to Google.
  2. Sign in to your Google account.
  3. Search for Google Classroom.
  4. Choose your email address USING YOUR NAME.
  5. Click on the + (plus) sign in upper right corner.
  6. Select JOIN CLASS.
  7. Enter class code-- db6c2bb
  8. Click join.
  9. Assignments/Notes will be shared here. Grades are coming my friends.
***To complete your assignments using Google Classroom click VIEW and the template opens for you***

***Most importantly you must CLICK TURN IN when you have completed your work.***